Why am I a Vet?

I get asked a lot, “what made you choose Veterinary Medicine?” The obvious answer is that I love animals. But that is also too simple an answer. There are many careers, occupations and activities that can satisfy that love without involving the blood, sweat and tears of vet school and vet practice.

Growing up, I loved science, biology and the concept of service to others. I liked the IDEA of practicing medicine.   I chose between many specialties and even sub-specialties before I chose the path of veterinary medicine, and then more specifically the choice of owning my own practice. And the reason I chose that path, the path I am still on today, is that I wanted to be my own boss.

I wanted to create a hospital that served its human and animal patients in the way I would want to be treated. I didn’t want to have to answer to a corporate practice management system, I didn’t want to be scolded for low “production” numbers, or be held accountable for revenue minimums.

I wanted to help animals be healthy, and I wanted to earn the respect and loyalty of these animals’ parents as I did so.

That drive, that motivation became my mission statement for my hospital, Peachtree Hills Animal Hospital. It is part of our messaging strategy and it is one of the things which we use to uniquely position ourselves against competitors.

It is the first question you need to ask yourself as you embark on the next chapter after Vet school.

Why are you pursuing the field of Veterinary Medicine? How do you see yourself practicing?

Be honest with yourself. For me, that has made all the difference.

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